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Superb Berry Creek Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Georgetown, TX 78628 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 4
9am to 2pm
Jan 5
9am to 2pm
Jan 6
11am to 2pm
The finest European Huntboard Buffet you will ever find

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 Terms & Conditions
WATCH YOUR PARKING. PARK IN DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC .NO BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS OR MAILBOXES .Debit or Credit accepted only. Sales tax will be added. Not responsible for accidents. We have SOME packing boxes, etc but bring your own to be safe. Furniture loading is your responsibility, but you will have the entire weekend to pick up.
 Description & Details

30% off tomorrow Saturday 9-2. Lots and Lots still there..Estate Sale Friday Jan 4th thru Sun Jan 6th. 510 Sarazen Loop South, Georgetown,TX 78628 in the fantastic Berry Creek Subdivision..This sale has something for everyone including a beautiful and large antique Huntboard, Golf Cart, Art, Tools, Modern furniture, Kitchen items, home decorator items, and so much more. Something for everyone at this sale, so do not miss. Hours are 9am-2pm Friday and Saturday and 11-2 on Sunday......Photos coming by Monday.

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