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50% Off PLUS on Saturday! Packed, Tools, Christmas Military Warehouse Full

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Haslet, TX 76052 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 26
9am to 4pm
Sep 27
9am to 4pm
Sep 28
9am to 3pm

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Security will on premises. No discount on Sterling silver or gold. Valuables will be removed from s...
 Description & Details

This is the sale of a distinguished military family. They traveled the world and lived many years in Japan. They won the Christmas Holiday Decoration contest in the neighborhood year after year!! The kitchen is packed with cooking and entertaining items. Men's and women's clothing. Waterford crystal. The large outbuilding has a large selection of vintage holiday items. There are bicycles for all ages, push lawnmower, large & small tools, ladders, outdoor patio tables and chairs, shelves, fishing equipment, vintage camping equipment. Inside the home, is MCM furniture, lovely sofa, dining room set, & everything you need to make a...

Kitty Wade Estate Sales

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