MASSIVE CHINESE COLLECTION- Antiques, Antiquities, Porcelain, Vases, Burial Items, Rugs, Ritual +++
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Greg Goins-
FINAL DAY! HUGE DISCOUNTS. Dealers welcome Estate Sales.NET CUSTOMERS OPEN NOW!!! GIANT CHINESE Collection- FULL HOUSE CASH (Preferred)SALE Credit Cards up to $500 maximum The couple collected most of the items below while they were living in China for over 10 years. The house is a beautiful home on Lake Conroe. The home is exquisitely decorated inside and out. There are some decorative newer pieces AND MANY RARE AND OLD ITEMS! There is also a large and very complete collection of Chinese FEET BINDING SHOES. There are also patterns, thread and other items used in the practice. Very RARE! The...
Treasure Hunt Auction Co.
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