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Estate sale with Antiques & More

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Plano, TX 75025 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
10am to 4pm
Oct 4
10am to 4pm
Oct 5
10am to 4pm
Oct 6
11am to 3pm

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Cash & Credit Card, ZELLE, VENMO. , Bring help to load items purchased. Not responsible for accidents House video monitored.
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 Description & Details

It's a fantastic sale full of antiques and collectibles around every corner. Fred and I noted several items were originally from Germany and truly unique to us in the USA! My personal favorites were the -- glass, decorative boxes, vintage toys (Beatles Yellow Submarine and Popeye's Tub), and a tabletop book Portraits from American Indian Life with some of the most incredible pictures I've seen. Fred loved it along with the power tools in the garage. Together we could have bought out the backyard. The homeowner certainly had an eye (and green thumb) for growing plants and arranging concrete benches...

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