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Villas of Bluffview Estate Sale

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in San Antonio, TX 78216 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 19
9am to 5pm
Sep 20
9am to 5pm
Sep 21
9am to 5pm
Sep 22
10am to 4:30pm

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 Description & Details

Fantastic sale in the works for September You'll find fabulous artwork, incredible (and clean) furniture, firearms, and so much more! We will be doing sealed bids on the firearms and reloading equipment The gate will be open during the times of the sale The firearm list is as follows: #1 Smith and Wesson 22LR revolver #2 Cimarron 45lc revolver #3 Cimarron 45lc revolver #4 Walther P1 9mm (3 mags) #5 S&W 1911 45 cal (3 mags) #6 Cimarron 38 revolver #7 Colt Agent 38 spcl - w/ speed loader) #9 Syracuse Arms SxS 12g #10 Gamo Sporter 500 .177 #11...

New Braunfels Auction Company, LLC

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