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sale of the year in hidden forest-no hidden treasure -its all out to see here

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in San Antonio, TX 78232 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 31
9:30am to 5pm
Feb 1
9:30am to 5pm
Feb 2
9:30am to 5pm
signed art  sally walsh  artist

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 Terms & Conditions
life's stuff accepts CASH -CHECKS ONLY w/ proper i.d's
we are not responsible for any injury/accident that may occur on the premises
not all items in the pictures may be available-** check back for updates**
buyer are responsible for moving /picking up all purchases - no large bags allowed * while shopping
a sign up sheet will be out by * 8am thursday - SATURDAY- 50%off most things- GREAT SALE still have LOTS TO SELL
 Description & Details

life's stuff is honored to present the estate of a WW2 B 29 pilot- and AMERICAN HERO- for san antonio collectors to enjoy- we have way more left to sell - so don't let all the solds scare you off-,many items not pictured - !!! home is filled with years and years of all kinds of collecting- ** amazing fully packed home and garage- STILL HAVE PACKED HOUSE- llardro- ** 1-2 left- HUGE collection of jim beam bottles -just see the pictures- many rare -some of the usual most very old and collected from all over franciscan colored glassware, crystal...

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