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50% OFF Sunday!!! Fantastic Finds Moving Sale @ Trophy Ridge

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in San Antonio, TX 78245 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 16
10am to 3pm
Sep 17
10am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

This is an exciting two-day moving sale in a charming home offering savvy shoppers a great opportunity to snag some fantastic pieces. Among some of the pre-loved items you'll find include: luggage and travel cases (Samsonite, American Tourister, Wenger Swiss Gear), men's/women's golf clubs with bags (Factor, Avalon, Wilson), small kitchen appliances, zippo lighters, home decor, men's/women's watches (Bulova, Fossil, Wenger Swiss Gear, Berenger), photo frames, antique photo frames, vintage paperback books and sets (Laura Ingalls Wilder, Trixie Belden, Judy Blume), toolbox, small tool sets with cases, garden tools, charcoal, various wood chips and wood logs, board games, small tile,...

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