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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Richmond, VA 23227 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 9
10am to 4pm
Dec 10
10am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

Lovely sale in a grand old house on Seminary. 1973 Steinway Baby Grand piano, Sterling Repousse Tea Service and Repousse Flatware, other Flatware sets, and holloware. Lovely Antique chests,china of all kinds. Two generations of family lived in this house so it is the first time in 80 years these items have been seen. Oriental rugs, garden items...and ladies..the very best...pretty gold jewelry!! Also we have alovely painting by Richmond Artist John K. Court of a Virginia landscape. It's a beauty!! ALSO Three sets of Sterling Silver Flatware, Repousse by Kirk, Old Master's by Towle (two boxes full!) and a...

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