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Lifetime Collection High End Vintage, Antiques, & Primitives

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Roanoke, VA 24019 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 23
9am to 3pm
Aug 24
8:30am to 3pm
Aug 25

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 Terms & Conditions
All Sales Final. Cash and Approved Local Checks from Dealers we know prefered. Credit Card Users Add 5% Buyers Premium. Bring help to load larger items and bring a box or shopper bag as we may run out as usual. By entering the home/property/sale you agree to hold the homeowner and family, Estate Sale Staff, and associates harmless of any injuries, damage, or theft to yourself or property. Sellers/Owners reserve the right to pull items from sale up to 48 hours before sale.
 Description & Details

We are still discovering items in storage - more photos and details coming!! Stay Tuned! LOTS OF VINTAGE JEWELRY JUST DISCOVERED! Sterling, signed, Bakelite, tons of great stuff. Massive decades of collecting from a well know reputable antique collector and dealer. She only purchased the "good stuff" and had a very eclectic eye. The house if full of great items and this is the type of sale that only comes around 1 or 2 times a year, so you will want to check it out. The photos will tell you more of what to expect (keep in mind we are...

J.w. Holcomb Estate Liquidation

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