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Audri's Attic Estate Sales Spokane valley

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Veradale, WA 99037 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 9
9am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
No number needed to enter, everyone gets in at 9am. There is no special holding or buying period. Otherwise just drop in anytime during open hours.
Sorry, no presales except for car. Pricing not available beforehand!
Cash is preferred and cards accepted.
Audri’s Attic LLC is a licensed business—sales tax is required per WA and ID State Law.
All sales as is and final.
Enter property at your own risk
Be nice.
 Description & Details

This is a small sale in the Spokane valley near Central Valley highschool. A quick, one day sale, priced to go! This house will be listed for sale so we are having an open house/ estate sale! Not taking numbers on this one, just come at 9am! We have lovely high end furniture, including dining room tables, side tables, China cabinets, side tables, chest freezers, couches, lift chair, a serta adjustable mattress bed set, small billiards table, Christmas stuff, Pyrex, bake ware, jewelry, art, televisions, cleaning supplies, yard furniture, BBQ, yard tools, snow blower, lawn mower, vintage tool box loaded...

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