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Homestead Estate

online only auction7 day sale sale is over
  • Location Birnamwood, WI 54414

Sale Starts

Nov 12

Sale Ends

Nov 18

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Payment: Cash, approved check, money order, Bank Wire, Visa, M/C, Amer...
 Description & Details This Homestead Estate is packed with treasures: There's a silver 2005 Chevy Aveo & orange 2006 Chevy Aveo for parts, acoustic guitar model K250, Ovation Celebrity Deluxe acoustic guitar, King Kutter tiller? attachment, King Kutter hitch subsoiler tractor attachment, King Kutter tractor plow attachment, Massey-Ferguson 35 Deluxe farm tractor, Craftsman Kohler Pro riding lawn mower, antiques, collectibles, household, large water tubs, bows & arrows, vintage toys, Casio CTK-601 keyboard, Peavey 112DL speaker, Crossman Air Guns BB gun 760 pump master, Crossman Air Guns 66 Pump Master BB gun, Fiber Skyn drum w/ drum sticks, flutes, 2 Kambala Djembe African...

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