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Jim Kupferschmit's Estate & Brewery Museum

moved offsite to warehouse4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Milwaukee, WI 53204 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
10am to 5pm
Nov 2
10am to 3pm
Nov 3
10am to 3pm
Nov 4
10am to 3pm
Ford Model A 1936 Humpback

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 Description & Details

First, and most interesting are two antique autos, a Ford Model A and a Ford 1936 2 door, (Hump Back). s tored in the vast attached warehouse, back of the storefront which once served as a brewery museum. Just Filled with brewery items including signs from many of the breweries that made Milwaukee famous! Lots of bottles and cans, glassware, steins, ephemera, coasters, napkins, etc. Other items include a working 1960s Wurlitzer jukebox, brass cash register, pool table with cues and balls, guitars (Les Paul, 1997), amplifier, vintage records, books galore! Hundreds of posters from various breweries, Snap-on Tools, movies,...

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