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Antiques & Collectibles Estate Sale

moved offsite to store3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in New Berlin, WI 53151 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 15
10am to 4pm
Feb 16
10am to 4pm
Feb 18
6pm to 9pm

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 Description & Details

Saturday & Sunday, February 15th & 16th - 10am to 4pm Tuesday, February 18th - 6pm to 9pm. 13819 W National Ave, New Berlin, WI **First timers PLEASE all the way through so you can properly complain in the comments!** Our next sale will be an AMAZING one! We already have a TON of stuff in the warehouse from the last week and we have several MASSIVE estates coming in for this sale. One of them is an estate that's been in the same house since the 1890s! TONS of amazing vintage jewelry, vintage clothes including hats with boxes, vintage...

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