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Estate Sale of Ernestine Danat

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Boaz, AL 35956 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 29
10am to 4pm
Sep 30
9am to 3pm
Oct 1
1pm to 4pm

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Parking on one side of street, please ...... we love the police but we do not want them coming.
 Description & Details

This two story home is full from top to bottom… Marble top round breakfast table, nice dining room suite, beautiful ornate living room suite, cut glass lamp, secretary, wingback chairs, sofa, nice bar, stain glass lamps, French Provincial bedroom suite, queen bedroom suite, jewelry chest, clothing, linens, quilts, crystal, China, curios, Fenton, Wrought iron patio, concrete items, black chest and China cabinet, washer, dryer. Fridge, upright freezer, yard tools, costume jewelry galore, vintage clothing, sewing machines, book shelves, mahogany leather top kidney shaped desk, lots of great pictures, red sofa and matching chairs, desk, Knick knacks, baseball cards, stamp collection,...

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