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Bijoux Estate Sales - Maumelle: Collectibles, Memorabilia, Furniture, DIY, & More!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Maumelle, AR 72113 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 9
10am to 3pm
Jun 10
10am to 3pm
Jun 11
10am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
First, we do not share prices on items prior to opening day. We gladly accept Cash, Credit Cards, De...
 Description & Details

This is definitely a sale for the collectors! Our client has been a lifelong lover and collector of cool things and has quite the collection for you to peruse. Please allow yourself plenty of time to browse around as we have the following and much more: Notable Shout-Outs: 2002 Suzuki VL1500 LC Intruder and Viking Professional 48” Dual Fuel Range, Furniture: Vintage Carved Golden Oak / Leaded Glass Gun Cabinet, Expandable Dining Room Table w/ 6 Chairs, Ethan Allen Side Tables, Beautiful Armoire, Grandfather Clock, Office Chairs, Vintage Office Desk, and Much More!, Appliances: Kenmore Refrigerator, General Electric Deep Freezer...

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