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3 Generations Estate Sale-Farmhouse-Collectibles Hidden Creations

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Browns Valley, CA 95918 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 5
7am to 1pm
Aug 6
7am to 1pm

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 Description & Details

You will not want to miss this three generations country estate. They have treasures in the home and several sheds they have been collecting for 100 years. In this home you will find newer and vintage furniture, western and farmhouse collectibles, costume jewelry, holiday and collectible décor. Everything in the home is clean and been well taken care of. The shop, has wood, fasteners, hand tools, vintage metal cabinets, rustic and primitive items, and so much more! Please be aware of what you pick up in the sheds, or where you step this area can have RATTLESNAKES. Some of...

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