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50% off Coronado Sale - JAG Judge! High end Highrise! By appt

by appointment1 day sale sale is over
  • Address This sale in Coronado, CA 92118 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Mar 7
9am to 2pm
Wyland whale dining table

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Please consider forwarding this to a friend. We are a small business, and we rely on word of mouth r...
 Description & Details

Fabulous! And 50% off all but the Wyland dining table BIG ITEMS Wyland Whale Table $5000 Benny Linden Rocking Chair $500 White Fox Fur $800 Livingroom Vintage Turkish Mashad rug 3 borders medallion appx 4 x 6 $400 Tansu chest Korean $700 Bronze Fu Dog $325 Broken Ball Wood block Chhingara (the treasury of Loyal Retainers) act 3 $125 English Rubbing $50 VIntage parasol nagasaki $15 Chinese urn with lid pale pink $150 Japanese blue and white well bucket 1970 $75 Blue White Chrysanthemum Bliss Vintage planter large $75 Chinese lamp $50 Paul Thumann 1890s print of painting by Paul...

Blue Waters Relocation and Estate Sales

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