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Merlin's Online Auction: Van Ness extension original painting, local artists, Bitters, Sumpf, Renzi

online only auction14 day sale sale is over
  • Location Fresno, CA 93711

Sale Starts

Nov 23

Sale Ends

Dec 6

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 Description & Details

New Online Auction open for bidding now! Van Ness extension original painting, local artists, Bitters, Sumpf, Renzi! Auction begins to end December 6 at 7pm. Visit for more pictures and information. Hey, Merlineals! Do we have an online auction for you! Including Stan Bitters pottery, Margaret Hudson figures, Isabel Bloom figures, Hans Sumpf large pots, tons of original art, Janette Maxfield, Robert Nidy, Gail Penning, Janet Ontko clay art, Renzi print, Luigi Kasimer signed lithos, Janette Maxwell Lewis signed lithos & etching, Eidenberger signed etching, antique tables, Morano vase, Hummel figures, china, serving ware, kitchenware, Royal Copenhagen plates, pyrex,...

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