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Estate sale

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Los Angeles, CA 90024 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 5
9am to 5pm
Dec 6
9am to 5pm
Dec 7
9am to 5pm
Dec 8
9am to 5pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash only , Large hand bags are not allowed
9Am to 5Pm bring Help to load large item's same day or on week days
No large items will be moved on Saturday or Sunday
 Description & Details

House hold Furniture, fine 5 pcs Italian Bedroom set, Lalique pcs, Bacara St.Lois's glass , set of 18 Lamog wine champion glasses with gold Reem , Mahagony  Round Baker Center Entry Table with 4 chairs, lots of porcelain decorative items, French Sever urns, Persian area rugs, Bronz and Crystal Chandelier, Antique Venitzian  Mirror, European paintings and Middle Eastern fine Art 

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