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Collectibles, Quilt & So Much More

outside sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Rocklin, CA 95677 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
9am to 1pm
Dec 7
9am to 1pm

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Home has surveillance cameras and client is still in the home.
First come, first ser...
 Description & Details

Estate sale - items relocated. Due to family situation items have been moved off site. We open at 9 am. No early birds. Many items not photographed due to having to unpack the morning of sale. American made Cast Iron Pans Fly Fishing Polls Vintage Rabbit Painting in Ornate Gold Leaf Frame Antique Advertising Prints Antique Mirrors Art Work Vintage Needlepoint in Oval Gold Ornate Frame Vintage Costume Jewelry Heidi Daus Necklace and Earrings Trek Beachcomber Bike Marin Mens Bike Mountain Bike Disney Surger Sewing Machine Quilts (2 Antique Quilts) Vintage Quilt Blocks Fabric Vintage Lace Vintage Linens Metal Headboard...

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