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Diane's So. Pasadena Jewel Estate Sale!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in South Pasadena, CA 91030 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 26
9am to 4pm
Jan 27
9am to 4pm

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Did you know the headline of our fliers always begins with "Diane's..." so you can tell at a glance it is us? We accept cash, all credit and debit cards and paper checks (all with a picture ID if we don't know you). You will not be charged sales tax if you hold a valid CA State Board of Equalization resale permit. We thank you for your business and know you are our most important asset!
 Description & Details

They grew up in Greeley, Colorado, fell in love and got married. . He earned his MBA from Stanford and his first job was in Los Angeles so they relocated and moved into their Edgewood home in 1960 with their two daughters, six and three years old. He was in aerospace management for many years. She was very active in the community and donated a great deal of her time to her first love, the Library. Furniture - A very eclectic array of antiques, contemporary, and modern. A Child's (or small adult's) antique C-Roll Desk, a Victorian oval Mirror, a...

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