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Mr. Kelley Parker

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Bonifay, FL 32425 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
8am to 1pm
Dec 7
8am to 12pm

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 Terms & Conditions
It is our honor to conduct a sale for the Estate of Mr. Kelley Parker. Cash , checks and credit/deb...
 Description & Details

This home was built in the 1800's, most everything is vintage or antique. Entire contents of the home must go: Antique/vintage oak dressers, chifforobes, clothes wringer with stand and wooden wash tub, metal folding clothes cart, washing sticks, primitive storage cabinet, primitive blanket/quilt chest, upright pump organ, metal bed w/bedding, gun cabinets, kerosene heater (Alladin), collectable canning jars (blue & clear), enamel ware, splatter ware, glass churn, crock churn, misc. crock ware, glass butter mold, Bobs snack jar, clothing, ladies vintage clothing, denim overalls, printed feed sack material, fertilizer sacks, antique clock, vintage clock, collectable pictures, lamps, tools (power &...

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