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It's 50% Off Saturday at Our Super Eclectic Sale in Cumming

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cumming, GA 30040 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 8
10am to 3pm
Jun 9
10am to 3pm
Jun 10
10am to 3pm
Round Logo no boarder

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 Description & Details

Join Starr & Mark for another Yellowbird Estate Sales, LLC SALE COLORFUL, Desirable, Eclectic, MUST HAVE! FUN Sale, BIG HOUSE! If this wasn’t our sale I would want to be there! Colorful Metal Art, Inflatables (tested), KNOMES (almost 2 rooms full), Dept 56 (room full) & Dept. 56 Halloween, Approx. 1500 Pokémon Cards and Accessories, Howard Miller Modern Grandfather Floor Clock, COW Art, PIG Art, Authentic Railroad Crossing Sign and Signals, Bird Cages (for big Birds), Farmhouse Style Dining Table with Bench and Chairs, Gaming Controllers, Colorful Bar Stools, Wood & Metal Bar Stools, Hummels and… Art by Refuse &...

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