ONE DAY! Historic Home in Dalton Moving Sale

estate sale1 day sale starts tomorrow
  • Directions
    Parking is very limited at this home. Please be prepared to park across the street and walk over, or have someone drop you off and then park, if you have mobility/health issues that would prevent you... 
Oct 5
9am to 3pm
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Cash and Venmo only accepted during the sale.

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 Description & Details

ONE DAY ONLY!!! Calling all treasure hunters! We have something exciting for you with this unique sale located right in the historic district in Dalton. This one is coming up quickly! Due to time restrictions, we will run this sale a little differently. Most items in the home will not be priced individually, but by item type, therefore you are sure to find some EXCELLENT deals! Everything in the home is clean and in good condition. We have not gotten through all of the home, but here is a list of items that will be available. More will be added...

Dalton Estate Services

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