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Downtown Newnan Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Newnan, GA 30263 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
9am to 3pm
Dec 7
9am to 3pm
Dec 8
11am to 2pm

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We do not give out prices before the sale. No pre-sales!
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Everything sold AS IS/WHERE IS.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No refunds. No exchanges. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Shoplifters will be prosecuted.
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Not responsible for any parking tickets.
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 Description & Details

Collection GALORE! True estate sale in Downtown Newnan! This is a fun one and it is absolutely packed! So many vintage and primitive pieces. One of a kind items all over this place. Vintage wicker, Tons of small tables, Primitive wardrobes, Colored glass, Ashtrays, Tons of cut glass and crystal, Figurines, Beautiful drinking glasses, China, Blue and white china, Oil lamps, Primitive green and red handled kitchen utensils, cast iron, Cheese graters, Jars, McCoy pottery, Butter churns, Pottery, Baskets, Beautiful Linens, Dolls, vintage clothing and shoes, Quilts, roll top desk, MCM trunk, sewing machines, Perfume bottles, Vanity sets, Vintage Christmas,...

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