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moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Barrington, IL 60010 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
10am to 3pm
Oct 5
10am to 3pm
Litho prints

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Bring help to load large items. We are not responsible for accidents. This is truly a warehouse, please wear closed toed shoes. Our entrance is metal grated steps outside. We are NOT handicap accessible.

We have a full loading dock that you can back a truck up to.
 Description & Details

Our warehouse is being leveled so it's time to say Goodbye to this location! Our DESIGN company will be selling off much the vintage furniture and accessories we have collected to style events and homes. Also, we will be selling worktables, shelving and equipment we use. Mirrors, artwork, glassware, antiques, furniture, brass, chandeliers, floral fridge, rugs, accessories, lamps. Collectibles: wedgewood, Baldwin, Drexel, Belleek...and more TOOLS....from our neighbors (electrician & handyman) and including a compressor! PRIZE PIECES: Drexel Heritage 70's Campaign Style Corner Bookcases. Biedermeier Style Cherry Wood Coffee Table Sutton Furniture Mahogany Tea Table Our in warehouse neighbors will have...

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