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NOT DEAD YET Artist Moving Sale

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Chicago, IL 60608 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 26
1pm to 7pm
Jun 27
1pm to 7pm
Jun 28
1pm to 7pm
Jun 29
10am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

***Pre-Sale Day - Tuesday June 25th 1p-7p*** After 20+ years at this location, I am moving and downsizing my jewelry studio. There will of course be jewelry - my discontinued & seconds designs, as well as vintage. Here's a partial list of what else there will be. There will also be a Free Stuff section. Jewelry displays, Fabric, more fabric, Industrial bar stools, Artwork, Boring office supplies, Oddball labels, Desks & chairs, American Craft Magazines, Ornament Magazines, Maps, Dress Mannequin, Tomato plants, Lamps - small, big and in between, Norman Rockwell figurines, Paper shredder, Push lawn mower, Exhibit pipe (for...

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