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Estate Sale indoor/outdoor furniture and home decor

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Homer Glen, IL 60491 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Mar 24
10am to 6pm
Mar 25
10am to 6pm
Mar 26
10am to 6pm

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CASH ONLY. Bring help to load large items
This sale is March 24th thru March 26th from 10 AM - 5 PM. All items in excellent condition.
 Description & Details

This sale includes indoor furniture, outdoor wicker furniture, lots of home decor, area rugs, poker table that seats 10,  very elegant bar in basement, Weber Genesis grill, wood hammock, outdoor fountain, outdoor bar set, Schwinn exercise bike, cocktail and console tables, artificial plants, TV, dining room tables , and much more.  Items are in excellent condition 

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