Years of collecting being liquidated

estate sale3 day sale 59 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Indianapolis, IN 46240 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, February 6th, 2025.
Feb 7
9am to 4pm
Feb 8
10am to 3pm
Feb 9
11am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

You want to put this sale at the top of your list. There are so many things of interest and so many things that don't just come available all the time. Now is your chance. This family enjoyed antiques and often entered their collections and pieces into the State Fair Expos (and won awards). Keen Kutter collection which includes hammer, hatchet, pocket knives, paper memorabilia, antique Valley Perry Kemp Texas metal dealer sign, anvil grinder, silver plate set, propane can, hand saw, knife sharpener, collectors guidebook, door lock hardware, matches, straight razor and regular razor, stationery 1913, and more Early...

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