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***50% OFF!!!***Novi Executive Estate Sale! World traveler...Rare & Unique finds, CALL IN ORDERS!!!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Novi, MI 48375 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 11
9am to 5pm
Nov 12
10am to 4pm

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Upscale Estate Sales would like to Welcome You to our Estate Sale!
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*"*50% off!*** (except reserve items) *Realtors photos displayed. *Not everything will be available for sale. *No large appliances for sale or grandfather clock. *Please check the list below. *For inquiries, text at (248) 410-7530 ​​​*No prices will be given beforehand. *After staging, WE WILL BE ADDING MORE PHOTOS, up until Friday night. 🌞Seamstress, 3-sewing machines- Kenmore, Singer, Pfaff and, 2- Sergers- Jaguar and Viking Husqvarna. Haberman fabrics & trims, and other sewing accessories! Buttons Make sure yourself! ​​​​​​***St. Jude's charity buy!*** *Please help support a special buy on a Spa product purchase! (Your purchase will make you a star!!! 🤩)...

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