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Bloomington Russ Garens Estate Antique Art Knives Toys

online only auction11 day sale sale is over
  • Location Bloomington, MN 55431

Sale Starts

Jan 19

Sale Ends

Jan 29
Auction Wednesday January 29th at 7:35PM.  Online only at

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Auction closes Wed January 29th at 7:35pm. Preview January 29th from 10-4. Pickup will be availa...
 Description & Details

Early Theo Hamm Brewing Crate St Paul MN Antique J.C. Widman Kerosene Car Lamp 1939/40 Coleman 242B Lantern Vintage Egyptian Camel Saddle 1920s Bronze and Iron Chandelier Light Fixture Burke & James 4x5 Press Camera with Case Etc Vesuviana Espresso Makers, Stove Top Etc Stella Brevettata Espresso Makers Atomic Milano Brevetti Robbiati Stovetop Espresso Fratelli Santini Aquilas Electric Espresso Maker La Pavoni Opera By Cini Boeri Stovetop Coffee Italian Stovetop Coffee Makers Moka Express Etc Prodotto Stella W350, W200 Espresso Makers Neowatt Milano Tipo 204 Espresso Maker Vintage Electric Espresso Makers Columbia Café Salton EX-3 Aluminum Espresso Maker Italy AMA...

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