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Let's Go to Lino Lakes Sale! AWESOME!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Lino Lakes, MN 55014 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 11
9am to 3pm
Oct 12
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

LET'S GO TO LINO LAKES SALE! AWESOME! This lovely home is loaded with some incredible items! Such as the following: Costume & Sterling Jewelry Silver Candelabras 1946 Coca Cola advertisements (Original) Magician posters Leather Sofa & Loveseat Gorgeous Dining Room Set MCM 1950's Winfield China Set Cool Ray Polaroid 117 vintage sunglasses Seth Thomas Clock Antique Wall clock Antique Radio's and Clocks Nobility Flatware Set Bakelite Antique Phone Bakelite Westclox Clock Bakelite Radio Kitchen Table & Chairs Kitchenware Instant Pot & Crock Pots Beautiful Bedroom Set - 4-post King Sized Bed & Mattress - Armoire - Dresser - (2) Marble...

Main Street Estate Sales Of Minnesota

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