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ESM - 9 AM ~ 2 House Estate Sale in Millersburg

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Millersburg, MO 65251 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
9am to 4pm
Dec 7
9am to 1pm

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 Description & Details

Video link for farm/small house: 2 House Estate Sale in Millersburg 4525 Sun Meadow Rd Millersburg, Mo 65251 Fri. 9am-4pm & Sat. 9am-1pm This sale is approximately a 22 -25 minute drive from the sale that opens at 8a on Wind River Ct. and an 18 minute drive from Downtown Columbia. Large sale and totally worth the drive Sun Meadow is off WW. It is directly across from the Dollar General parking lot. Please follow our signs. Our GPS’s consistently take us to the incorrect street. It is a one lane road into the sale so please drive carefully...

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