The One for The Music Man

estate sale3 day sale 13 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Springfield, MO 65809 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024.
Oct 17
8am to 3pm
Oct 18
8am to 2pm
Oct 19
8am to 11:30am

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Queen City Estate Sales LLC (QCES) appreciates your business and looks forward to having you at our ...
 Description & Details

This is a different kind of sale. Lots of unique furniture stuff with some cool things mixed in. Check back as we will be adding pictures soon. Chairs, chairs and chairs. Different styles and looks., Antique furniture-Lots of different pieces, Antique clocks, Grandfather Clocks,, Kitchen items, Artwork galore: Pictures, paintings, etc., Outdoor furniture, Outdoor propane heater, Albums: Old Rock, Blues, and more (Jimmy Hendrix, Head East, Elton John, Beatles, The Doors, Woodstock, Rare Earth, etc.), Movie Posters (Batman, 10, Disney Movies, Bram Strokers Dracula, and many more), Collectible glass, Designer Clothing, A couple of super large barn-style doors-Super Cool!, And...

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