Estate Sale with Antiques

estate sale4 day sale 29 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Boone, NC 28607 will be available after 9:00am on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024.
Nov 13
10am to 2pm
Nov 14
10am to 2pm
Nov 15
12pm to 5pm
Nov 16
8am to 12pm

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 Terms & Conditions
For this sale we plan to accept cash, check, or Cash App. For Cash App users a 3 percent add-on cost will be applied to your sale price total for processing fees. Local Wataga county sales tax is required to be collected. Please bring help to load your items but our staff can assist with product loading. VanHoy Auction and Realty and the family are not responsible for accidents. NO CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED. Please bring boxes and packing materials if needed.
 Description & Details

DUE TO BOONE FLOODING WE PLAN TO RE-SCHEDULE THIS TAG SALE TO NOVEMBER. THE DATES WILL BE SELECTED SOON. PLEASE CONTINUE TO CHECK BACK! THIS HOUSE WAS NOT FLOODED OR DAMAGED. This estate tag sale features many collectables dating back to the 50's, 60's and 70's. We feature many original metal signs in this sale. Items such as tools, furniture, jewelry, toys, etc. will be featured for sale. Due to the volume of items we will conduct a 4 day sale. As always come prepared to purchase the 1st day as we barter each day. We also feature a Honda...

Vanhoy Auction And Realty

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