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The Cherrie Brown Residence

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Spencerport, NY 14559 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 22
9:30am to 4pm
Sep 23
9:30am to 3pm
Sep 24
10am to 12pm

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Cash, Local Check, Visa/Mastercard accepted w/4% up charge
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Sales are As Is and Final
Please bring help to disassemble and Remove purchased items
Due to stairs, rugs and up and down conditions, All persons enter at their own risk. Not responsible for Accidents
 Description & Details

The Cherrie Brown Residence 14 Skidmore Drive Spencerport 14559 (off Gallup Rd between Rt. 31 & 104) Fri., Sept. 22 • 9:30am-4:00pm Sat., Sept. 23 • 9:30am-3:00pm Sun., Sept. 24 10:00am-12:00pm BEAUTIFUL HOUSE w/BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE. Viking Norwegian recliners w/foot stools, Viking International 2 pc. bookcase, pair of Lazy Boy sofas & chair, Burlington 8 pc. dining room set w/ 2 leaves, love seat w/incliners, leather recliner, TV sets & cabinets, stereo equipment, glass top coffee & end tables, large Amish-made bookcases, Viking Designer Ruby Husqvarana embroidery machine (org. cost $6000), quilting table & quilting supplies, turntable floor rack, Lenox “Brookdale”...

Lorraine Oakley & Co.

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