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Kept House: HAM radio collection, photography, mid-century modern, vintage toys

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cincinnati, OH 45212 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 11
10am to 1pm
Oct 12
10am to 2pm
Oct 13
11am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

A 1960s Pleasant Ridge couple with three children shared a love of homemaking, family and communications. This estate is filled with vintage finds c. 1960's -1980 toys, housewares, photography equipment, and furniture. Dad loved communications, with a collection filled with HAM, Antique military and consumer radios, satellite communications, record players, tubes, capacitors, antennas, test equipment, wire cables, radio teletypes, open cages, and amplifiers. It features a 2000+ communication collection, modern Midcentury furniture, a Heath brand, Radio/communications Periodicals, Drake, and Collins. Vintage toys and games 1960-1980, 1960s mid-century modern furniture, Vintage Camera collection, Magazine collections: communications, pop culture, Atari, Table lamps,...

Kept House Estate Sales Company

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