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Exceptional and Eclectic in SE Portland

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Portland, OR 97214 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 16
10am to 4pm
Jun 17
10am to 4pm
Jun 18
10am to 4pm

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Please be mindful and do not block driveways, other cars or street traffic. This home is on a major ...
 Description & Details

A list will be on the door at 7am. Sign up, go get coffee and then return by 9:45am for roll call. Super fun, super eclectic, super exceptional collection! This sale is so fun. FURNITURE Vintage baby blue velvet wool couch, Antique Victorian Extra Tall Extra large wood framed mirror, Antique drop leaf table, Vintage Peacock Chair, Vintage upholstered chairs, Mid-Century Danish Dining Table, Antique Night stands, Antique wood dresser, Antique Iron bed frame - red, Antique wood bed frame - full size, Like new Full futon mattress set, Vintage Yellow coffee table, Vintage mid-century Lane chest, Vintage Desks, Vintage...

Thompson's Estate Services, LLC

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