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A That Girl Quality Sale - DON'T MISS SALE - Tigard

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Portland, OR 97224 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 22
11am to 3pm
Sep 23
10am to 4pm
Sep 24
10am to 4pm

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ON SITE: BE COURTEOUS OF – Please drive and park responsibly. SPEED LIMIT: POSTED Do not block other...
 Description & Details

Mark your calendars now! A lifetime of treasures from a career military officer posted to several international places. Bins and bins of vintage and contemporary costume jewelery, holiday decor, watches, and craft items. All the regular stuff too. All photos up on Wednesday 9/20. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: ARTS & CRAFTS SUPPLIES, HOLIDAY DECOR, AND COSTUME JEWELRY PRE-SALE ON FRIDAY. All additional items and any remaining items from the pre-sale will be available beginning on Saturday. CRAFT SUPPLIES: Jewelry Making Beads (metal, glass, crystal, ceramic, stone), Stringing Cord, Wire, and Line; Jewelry Findings, Stamps, Ink, Embossing Mediums, Embellishments, Card Making &...

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