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Extended The Clark Estate Sale

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Prineville, OR 97754 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 30
10:30am to 4pm

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The doors open at 10:30 AM Saturday giving you a relaxed morning. The...
 Description & Details

This is the Clark Estate Sale Literally, this is the sale of the year! Just in time before Christmas too! We've removed the items from the attack and stored places for your consideration for this extended portion of the sale. Some of the items in the photos have already found new homes as they sold last weekend—but don't let that stop you from visiting! The place is still packed with treasures and absolutely worth another look. We can't wait to see you! Come get your Christmas presents here! These folks use to own a Sears store so everything tool wise...

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