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A Trademark Sale - Fabulous Wolf Road Area Executive Moving Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Erie, PA 16505 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 14
10am to 3pm
Sep 15
10am to 2pm
Lovely Hancock and Moore Sofa

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 Terms & Conditions
Day 1 House 10:00 - 3:00, Day 2 House 10:00 - 2:00. CASH ONLY!!!!! Full- price Day 1, bids accepted...
 Description & Details

This is one of those fabulous Wolf Road area homes that you drive by and admire. Executive home, nearly 5,000 moving Designer Living Room, Hancock and Moore Chippendale Sofa, Matching Side Chairs, Tables Cherry Dining Room Table with 6 Chairs, Cherry Breakfront 2 Matching Chests Queen Size Bed w Amazing Tall Armoire Lovely White Sleigh Bed, Matching Desk/Book Shelf Unit Neutral Sectional Leather Kimball Spinette Piano Refrigerator Patio Furniture and Electronics including TVs, DVD players, stereo components and speakers Housewares, Art Christmas Tree, decorations and large amount of outdoor lights Barstools

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