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ESTATE AUCTION - Tractors - Car - Trailers - Tools -Millington, TN

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Sep 21
Kubota L39 - 4wd Tractor w/Backhoe Attachment - 2,451 Hours

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Terms: Cash - TN Check w/ID - Credit Cards
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 Description & Details

ESTATE AUCTION Onsite - Millington, TN Saturday - September - 21 - 10:00 am 9736 Evander Road Millington, TN 38053 RESCHEDULED DUE TO EXCESSIVE RAIN & IMPOSSIBLE PARKING! ESTATE of BRIAN STIMPSON TRACTORS - EQUIPMENT - ANTIQUE CAR - TRAILERS KAWASAKI MULE - 4 WHEELERS - LOTS & LOTS OF TOOLS LOTS OF PATIO FURNITURE - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Kubota L 39 4 wd tractor w/backhoe attachment - 2,451 hours Kubota B7610 4wd tractor w/front bucket & box blade - Hydrostatic transmission - 650 hours Ford 3000 diesel tractor - 3,544 hours 6' CountyLine bush hog Kawasaki 4wd Mule w/dump bed...

Brooks Auction Service TAL:#1994 ~ TAF:#1555

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