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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Old Hickory, TN 37138 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
8am to 5pm
Oct 6
8am to 5pm

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 Description & Details

This home has great treasures. It is filled with tools, tools and more tools! Many vintage tools Ford tools, power tools, garden tools as well as Chilton Car Manuals. There are knives and various types of guns. There is a sofa, pair of chairs, side chairs, kitchen table, dining room table and chairs, China cabinet a pair of stunning Mid Century Lamps, bedroom furniture, Queen Serta Motion I series adjustable bed frame with remote, French Provincial bedroom furniture. Naval memorabilia, Werlitzer Piano, Console stereo, vintage radios, vintage cameras There is a vintage blow mold manger scene with boxes,shiny Brites, Christmas...

Estate Sales By Sheila

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