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Emmett Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Smithville, TN 37166 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
9am to 5pm
Nov 16
9am to 5pm

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•Cash and approved checks only.
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 Description & Details

The Smithville sale offers an assortment of mid-century modern and vintage items: Vintage Tool Collection: vintage tools including wrenches, hammers, metal containers, buckets, and jars. Full workshop including welding gear, electric hand tools, generator, power washer. A fun collection of vintage toys, Mickey Mouse, Coca-Cola MCM decor, ashtrays, large collection of nut crackers. A set of mid-century bedroom furniture, including a Hollywood bookshelf bed, dresser and a tall chest of drawers with intricate pulls and a vintage finish. Vintage cast iron Jewel Enterprise wood stove, W/D, freezers chest and upright. This estate sale offers a workshop of classic tools and...

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