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Upper Kirby sale with Western/Native American Original Art, Furniture , Decor and More !

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Houston, TX 77098 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
10am to 4pm
Oct 6
10am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
No valuables or jewlery will remain in the house until the the day of the sale. All valuables will b...
 Description & Details

- A stunning collection of original artwork - Virginia Stroud original Native American art - Donald Vann original Native American art - Charles Frace art - Old historical maps of Sweden, Britain and Stockholm - Maitland Smith Vintage sword stool - Maitland Smith Turtle Drawer side table - set of three chrome and leather, mid-century modern barstools -Beautiful furniture and decor Banks Coldstone by Sarreid vintage chest - C.H. Gentry bronze dog sculpture. - Jules Moigniez bronze sculpture of an eagle - Frank C. McCarthy Signed Western Art prints -Christofle France Silverplate MALMAISON Beauharnais Oval Serving Bowl 9" x 12...

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