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50% OFF Fort Worth has Tools, High End Furniture, Appliances, Musical Instruments, Antiques, &,.

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Keller, TX 76244 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 7
9am to 3pm
Nov 8
9am to 3pm
Nov 9
10am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

2006 Honda Pilot - 130k miles Miracle Ear Genius MEENERGY Level 4 RIC R AX BTE RITC Duncan Phyfe sofa Haro Flightline Distinctive Furniture by Stanley Mid-century modern furniture Hull Pottery Waterford Crystal Singer Sewing Machine Sony Headphones Wedgewood J.Erich Saxophone Including queen bed, full size bed and frame, end tables and dressers Framed art work Table lamps Vintage wooden frame sofa Vintage singer sewing machine Twin wooden bed frames Bedding and linens Christmas decor Children’s crib / playpen/ toys Wii accessories Flat screen TV ( Panasonic/ Samsung) Sentry digital keypad safe Office supplies Computer monitors and computer accessories Depression...

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