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Estate Sale of Mrs. Frances Monroe

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Nacogdoches, TX 75965 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
8am to 5pm
Nov 16
8am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
CASH SALE! No checks or credit cards.
Not responsible for accidents. All sales final.
BRING HELP to load heavy items. We will charge tax unless you have a tax number. Address announced Thursday before sale.
 Description & Details

Queen Serra remote control bed, queen bed, dressers, side tables, lamps, oil paintings, water colors by local artist Sherry Ward, reclining lift chair, recliners, sleeper sofa and loveseat, dining room table and chairs, China hutch display cabinets, desk, teach, marble top hall piece, Black Forest cuckoo clock, Necchi sewing machine, arts and crafts, frog and turtle collection, Samsung tv, blue Ray player, games, puzzles, Roman style chess set, crystal, glassware, blue and white, red and white, milk glass, ceramic pottery painting supplies and kiln, Celebrity X scooter, holiday, yard tools, birdbaths, plants, bench, yard art, too much to list!

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