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Brighter Horizons by J Elliott-Tools, Sterling, Waterford Crystal, vintage sports, Dept 56,

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Rockwall, TX 75032 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jul 19
9am to 4pm
Jul 20
9am to 4pm
Jul 21
9am to 4pm
Vintage Gibson guitar circa 1950's

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No returns or refunds, all purchases are 'as is.'
We don't lift or move furniture, so please bring tools, loading help and a truck!
Please, no large bags or purses. Those need to be left with the cashier.
We use monitored security cameras throughout the home.
 Description & Details

This wonderful estate sale will be July 19-21 at 155 Willowcrest Dr in Rockwall. The house is full of wonderful collectables, well-made furniture, tools, Christmas items, Department 56 for every holiday, Hummels and other collectables. The house is full of vintage items like sports memorabilia, books, magazines, toys, model trains, Matchbox cars and so much more! Below is a list of some of the items: Tools – hand and power Lawn care equipment Fishing gear Vintage circa 1950's Gibson guitar Talavera pottery Department 56 holiday village sets Nutcrackers Hummels Vintage Lionel train sets Vintage Playskool toys Vintage board games Children’s...

Brighter Horizons Estate Sales

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