Aardvark Antiques & Estate Liquidations

Oakwood, GA 30566
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At Aardvark Antiques & Estate Liquidations, we know that the loss of a loved one is never easy. Nor is the need to downsize your personal property. Therefore, it is our personal aim to help you manage your personal life event in the simplest and quickest way possible. We are sensitive to the many varied emotions you may experience and we help you by upholding honest and professional standards at all times. We are dedicated to making this time as comfortable as possible for you by removing the burden associated with estate liquidation.Ever mindful of our client's needs, we strive to offer the best service, tailor made to suit each particular situation that arises. Whether you need an appraisal, a sale conducted on-premises, brokerage of one piece or guidance in the market place; we are able to assist you to obtain maximum dollar in the Atlanta, Gainesville, North, Ga. Areas.

This sale description was copied from EstateSales.NET on 10/14/2024 (63-184-1:50:49 AM). Please check there for accurate up-to-date information (220-44).

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