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Deep Discount Day! Trench Art, Tobacco etc... Pipe Coll, Creative Memories, Jewelry, Records, China

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Mount Prospect, IL 60056 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
10am to 3pm
Oct 5
10am to 3pm

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Thank you for apr interest in Manderley Estate Sales! Please shop carefully as all items have been p...
 Description & Details

Manderley Estate Sales Big enough to serve you ~ Small enough to care ***Join us Saturday for Deep Discount Day!!!*** Fun Finds: Massive collection of tobacco/marijuana smoking pipes. Massive collection!!!, NIB Coach handbag, Costume jewelry & a few pieces of gold, Dolls, Vntg. Ladies gloves, Vntg. dollies, Vntg. handkerchiefs, Punch bowls, Crystal glasses, bareware, stemware & pitcher, LG vacuum, Silverplate Coffee & tea set, Silverplate serving tray, Amber etched bowl, China Pearl china set, Pampered Chef, Gold wheat sheaf glasses, Art Deco Pitman Dreitzer Baguette Candle Holders, Copper & porcelain spice containers and rack, Emeril Power AirFryer 360, Jello molds,...

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